Citrus Church
Citrus Church in Horizon West, FL serves the growing areas of Winter Garden and Windermere. We are a United Methodist Church offering a refreshing invitation to Jesus.
352 episodes
Sacred Rhythms: Pt. 3 "Lectio Divina: Encountering God in Scripture"
Ps. 1:1-2 We are shaped by all the little moments, and patterns, and choices we make on our life journey.
Sacred Rhythms | Pt. 2 "Solitude & Silence: Creating Space for God"
1st Kings 19:11-13, Mark 1:35 The idea of self-care, or compassion for ourselves is a way that we're reminded of how God cares for us.
Sacred Rhythms | Pt. 1 "Desire: Longing for More of God"
Mk. 10:46-52, Ps.42:1-2 Jesus helps us change one pattern, or rhythm, for a new one.
Baptized into Identity: Stepping into the New Year with God
Matt. 3:13-17 Baptism is about what God is doing in our lives, not what we're doing in the moment.
On the Way to Bethlehem | Pt. 5 Persia: Returning Home
Matt. 2:1-12 The magi teach us our journey of faith requires persistence and a willingness to follow a path that seems unclear
Christmas Eve | Bethlehem: A Place of Humility
Lk. 2:1-20 Giving birth in Bethlehem was not part of Mary's plan. Through Christ's birth, God shows how us how a great journey can begin with a humble start.
On the Way to Bethlehem | Pt. 3 "Bethlehem: A Place of Humility"
Lk. 1:26-36 Why Nazareth? Why did Go choose this unremarkable place? God goes out of God's way to reach the out of the way, excluded people.
On the Way to Bethlehem | Pt. 2 "Jerusalem: A Place of Waiting"
Lk. 1:5-17 "What happens in us while we wait is as important as what we're waiting for." - John Ortberg
On the Way to Bethlehem | Pt. 1 "Rome: A Place of Longing"
Lk. 2:1-3 No matter where we end up this Advent, no matter where we go or where we end up, God is with us.
The Table | Pt. 2 "Blessed-Broken-Given"
LK. 22:7-20 What seemed to upset people the most was who Jesus decided to dine with. Jesus' last meal shows us what our meals could and should look like.
The Table | Pt. 1 "God Sets the Table"
Ex. 25:23-29, Lev. 24:5-9 God sets the table for our relationships
Wesleyan Rooted | Pt. 5 "Serve Impactfully"
Matt. 25:35-40 To make an impact in this world, we must think less about how we could make an impact, and serve one need at a time.
Wesleyan Rooted | Pt. 4 "Embrace Widely"
2nd Kings 10:15 When we think of the words "embrace widely" or work across differences, we may see it as selling out, betraying our own beliefs, but what if the more courageous choice is extending a hand and making room for others.
Wesleyan Rooted | Pt. 3 "Read Faithfully"
2nd Timothy 3:16-17 How do we read the Bible? Is it meant to be strictly followed? Taken literally?
Wesleyan Rooted | Pt. 2 Love Actively
Mk. 12:28-31 1 Jn. 4:19-21 How might we love God and others actively?
Wesleyan Rooted | Pt. 1 Grow Deeply
Eph. 3:14-21 Multiple denominations and groups give our faith textures and different flavors, allowing us to bring out the unique God flavors of the earth.
Rev. Esther Rodrigues | "Adventures in Missing the Point"
Is. 58:1-12 God looks past the outward ritual and gets to the heart of the matter. Isaiah reminds us that true worship must be grounded in worship.
Branching Out | Pt. 4 Branches that Reach Out
Matt. 28:18-20 Though it is urgent and important, the mission of making disciples cannot be done fast.
Branching Out | Pt. 3 Branches that Provide Shelter
Ek. 17:22-24 God calls us to become branches of hope and shade for others, rooted in His promise of revival and strength
Branching Out | Pt. 2 Branches that Bear Fruit
Jn. 15:1-8 What pruning needs to take place in your life?
Branching Out | Pt. 1 The Call to Branch Out
Gen. 12:1-9 Just as Abram left his comfort zone, the church is called to expand its mission in new ways. The call to branch out requires faith, listening to God’s voice, and responding with commitment, trusting that each step forward is part of...
Essential Elements | Pt. 4 (Hu) Human
Eph. 2:1-10 Because of God's great love for humanity, we were transformed from death to life through faith.
Essential Elements | Pt. 3 (SP) Sustainer
Jn. 14:16-21 The Holy Spirit is God with us, within us, and working through us.